Thursday, March 3, 2011

quksace agjke 

Part 4: Search Engine Optimization (20 points)

For this last problem, your goal is to put on your "search engine optimization" hat. Your job is to create a webpage that scores highest for the query quksace agjke. As of today (Feb 22) there are no hits for this query on either Google or Bing. Based on our discussions of search engine ranking algorithms, you know that several factors may impact a page's rank. Your goal is to use this knowledge to promote your own page to the top of the list.
What we're doing here is a form of SEO contest. While you have great latitude in how you approach this problem, you are not allowed to engage in any unethical or illegal behavior. Please read the discussion of "white hat" versus "black hat" SEO over at Wikipedia.
The only requirement is that somewhere in the page (possibly in the html) you must include your name or some other way for us to identify you (e.g., your gmail username).
Rules of the game update:
  • Your target page may only be a TAMU student page, a page on your own webserver, a page on a standard blog platform (e.g., wordpress), or some other primarily user-controlled page.
  • Your target page MAY NOT be a twitter account, a facebook page, a Yahoo Answers or similar page.
  • No wikipedia vandalism.
  • No yahoo/wiki answers questions
  • No comment spamming of blogs
  • If you have concerns/questions/clarifications,please post a message to the google group and we will discuss.
On March 10, we will examine the rankings on both Google and Bing for the query quksace agjke. We will assign points as follows:
  • 10 points 12 points for your explanation of your approach and a link to your target page (in the PDF homework submission).
  • 5 points for creativity in your approach. Basically, did you try some interesting strategy? Did you put some thought into your approach?
  • 5 points 3 points for placing your page on the first page of the results page (i.e., in rank 1 through 10) in the top-10 results contributed by students in this class on either Google or Bing.
  • 1 bonus point, a vigorous announcement in class, and a high-five for having the top result. 5 points to the top-ranked page. 4 points to the 2nd-ranked page. 3 points to pages in ranks 3, 4, and 5.
We encourage you to get started early on this part, so there is time for Google and Bing to discover your pages and integrate them into their search results.
As an added bonus, we will revisit the rankings at the end of the semester and award bonus points to your final exam. Details to follow.